Professional Optoelectronic Products Manufacturer

buyers' choice

who is AOI

The basics

AOI, Jiangsu Ascendent Optronics INC. , was established in 2016, locates in Suzhou.
AOI supplies Optoelectronic products such as LWIR,MWIR thermal imaging camera,lens and components.

The advantage

AOI is the manufacturer which have built world-class R&D center with world-class core technology, with well experienced marketing, sales and service team support AOI offers mature solutions which match with search and rescue, gas detection, surveillance and perimeter control and related applications.


We manufacture


Jiangsu Ascendent optronics INC.

strive continuously to be better

Visit us

Production base
R&D Center

Call us

Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 5:00PM

+86 512 67410893

Contact us

Keep in touch
Any time

Business Address: Room 302-2, Maishanlong Building, No. 168 Yuxin Road, Industrial Park, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province Post code 215123

Registration Address: Room 302-2, Maishanlong Building, No. 168 Yuxin Road, Industrial Park, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province Post code 215123

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